We designed together with zwo/elf the state exhibition for Baden-Württemberg “Neobiota – Nature in transition”, which can be seen from 17.11.2021 to 11.9.2022 in the Natural History Museum Karlsruhe.
Raccoons, giant hogweed, tiger mosquitoes – more and more new species are turning up in our region. Some benefit the ecosystem, but others can become problematic.
Neobiota, domestic and invasive species, “returners” – what do these terms mean? Who are the real newcomers in our area, and who has been here longer than we might think? What sort of transition is taking place in the wildlife here in the Upper Rhine region?
This exhibition shows how animals, plants and fungi make their way to us, the effects they have on their new biosphere, and what the future may look like. The exhibition is divided into eight subcategories which give a wide-ranging overview of this extremely relevant and exciting topic.

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